Spaghetti Bolognese
What you need
500g packet of mince
2 carrots
2 sticks of celery
1 onion
1 sweet pepper, red, green or yellow
1 tin tomatoes
1 beef stock cube mixed with half mug of hot water
1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
Half a packet of spaghetti
2 tablespoon of oil
Salt & pepper
Chopping board
2 Saucepans
Chopping Board
Chop all the vegetables into small pieces.
Put 1 tablespoon of oil into a large saucepan and add the mince. Cook over a medium heat on the hob until the mince turns brown.
Add the chopped vegetables, tinned tomatoes, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper and beef stock to the saucepan.
Bring the mixture to the boil and turn down to simmer for about 40 minutes, until the vegetables are just soft.
Boil a large saucepan of water and add 1 tablespoon of oil.
Add the spaghetti, cook for about 10/12 minutes and then drain off the water.
Divide the spaghetti between 4 bowls and put the Bolognese on top.
Fun Fact
We use this Bolognese recipe as the base for 2 other recipes.
Fun Fact
Spaghetti comes from the Italian word spago, meaning cord, string or twine.