Pizza Faces



What you need

  • 2 burger buns

  • 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup

  • 4 cherry tomatoes halved

  • 1 sweet pepper thinly sliced

  • 1 small tin sweetcorn

  • 2 tablespoons grated cheese


  • Baking tray

  • Tablespoon

  • Knife

  • Cheese grater

  • Chopping board


  1. Preheat oven to 200°C, fan oven 180°C, gas mark 6.

  2. Flatten out the burger buns with a rolling pin or the palm of your hand to make the pizza base.

  3. Use a knife to spread the tomato ketchup on the 4 half-burger buns.

  4. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the burger buns.

  5. Make pizza faces by using tomato halves for the eyes, pepper slices for the nose and mouth and sweetcorn for the hair.

  6. Place the pizzas on a baking tray and cook for 10 minutes in the oven.

Fun Fact

Pizzas were invented in Naples, Italy.


You can add extra toppings such as ham, pepperoni or any other pizza toppings you might fancy!